Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Consistency and New Beginnings

Yes, consistency is an important quality, and here I am, blogging every 2 months! Never thought it would be so easy to let time slip by without an awareness of what all is slipping. This seems to apply in other areas too, not just in trying to put updates on the blog...discipline in exercise - let that slip since before Christmas; memorizing scripture - let that slip even longer...I think you get the picture. So what has been happening that is pushing important things out of mind?
It is actually hard to put a finger on any one thing. There seems to be a general business that I have become caught up in, and here I am trying to decide what is blognewsworthy.

Sports Ministry Initiative is an updated prayer request, and this has been the topic of a few conversations lately. God has brought a couple to partner with us, reaching out to our community through sports. There are so many ideas and possibilities that it has become a flurry of notions piled so high we can't seem to see any light. But that is what we are praying for, illumination, God's divine guidance, providence, opened doors, connections from divine appointments...light!

Please pray with and for us as we seek the Lord's face, to walk with Him in this venture.

At this time, I have started to coach a soccer team for ages 9-10. It has been a challenge in many ways, but with Christ, I am up for the challenge. The 25 boys are fun, energetic, rambunctious and varied in skill and experience. This is a large group to run through drills and settle down for some good talks. But it has been a growing experience, and we are learning to respect each other more and more. God has given me a love for these youngsters who love life, and need Jesus.

Keyana has started training with us and Josiah's team as well; she is taking a break from swimming during the cold season. If you live in Mexico, you need to understand the "beautiful game" some what so you can connect with the passion of the people.

We are hoping to develop a consistent visiting plan for 2 orphanages that we have served. They are very open to our support, and are interested in regular sports and games events with our youth group. This is a great opportunity to support ministry of wonderful Mexican folks who are loving the children who need the family of God to be their family.

I am also starting to teach another day at the school attended by our children. They lost a teacher and haven't found a replacement for the 2 hours of PE. I trust that I will be able to share double Jesus love with double the time at the school. I may try to start a basketball team at the school, but don't want to stretch myself too thin.

Again, we appreciate the prayers of the saints who are behind us in all that God is doing in, through and around us everyday here in Mexico.

1 comment:

  1. Praying His will is accomplished in you and through you!
    May God direct your steps and then the consistency will be the fruit of the Spirit in your lives!
