Signs, Sayings and Surprises!

This page is all about the signs, sayings and surprises we witness here in Zambia! In no way is this meant to pass judgement on Zambia or it's people. It's just the things we see that because of differences in culture, a spelling mistake or complete surprise having never seen something like it before, that make us smile and chuckle and appreciate all we've been able to see, witness and experience in Zambia! I'm so glad that God didn't just cut his people with a cookie cutter! Differences and uniqueness make the world a much more interesting place.
I'm forever snapping pictures whenever we drive here in Zambia. I've captured many interesting things this way! One day on our way to Choma, I took a photo of this truck in front of us. It wasn't until we had passed it and I looked to see if the picture had turned out that I realized there was a cow in the back of this small pickup! I never cease to be amazed at how creative Zambian people are when it comes to transporting things!