Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I was asked to speak in church last week. I said yes without thinking about it. I realized later that I had a workshop that week, and would only have 3 days to prepare. God knew I needed more time so he caused the workshop to be postponed. I was working on it off and on, did not know what to speak on, did not want to speak on the topic that kept coming to my head (parenting) as I often feel inadequate myself. So I did what I do in these situations, opened up the Bible to one of Paul's letters and started reading. I soon had an idea, prayed about it, and it developed. When I was finished, I had a sermon on parenting! Hmmm. At least it wasn't on disciplining children, I definitely did not want to talk about that! Well, when I got up to preach, I looked at my notes once in a while, but did not use them much in the end. I left out several pages and talked in more detail about surrender! But the focus was on surrender as parents, children and a church as to how God can use us to build up children.
This may sound haphazard, but it seemed to really connect and flow on Sunday. Karlene told me that several ladies had told her on Monday that they had really enjoyed the sermon, that people had been talking about it that afternoon for some time. Parenting is a hot topic for them. What this has taught me is that it is good to prepare for a sermon, but when giving it, don't depend on the notes, depend on the Holy Spirit to give words as you speak. I praise Him for empowering me so that it was helpful to some. Praise the Lord!!

1 comment:

  1. That's a really cool feeling when the Holy Spirit's presence is so strong that you feel it and just see it work right in front of your eyes! Praise the Lord for the powerful message God brought to the people from your lips!
