He thought he had it and was upset when I told him it was still home. But he was too far to turn around and come back for it. Then we got cut off. I tried to text him to ask if he wanted me to see if our neighbours would let me borrow their truck and drive into Choma (half way to his workshop) to drop his bag off there for him to try and get during the lunch break. He called me back when he was in a service area again and said, that I didn't need to bring it, that he was mad at first but now he was calm and just had a peace that God was going to work despite the circumstances. He laughed and said, just because you couldn't do this doesn't mean that I can't. I laughed too because that's exactly what I was thinking when I saw his bag! My first thought was if this was me going to do a workshop and I had left my bag at home with my notes I would be a basket case!!!!! And here's my hubby calm and at peace that God was going to make a way. He did tell me to pray and pray I did! :-)
It was neat to hear later today that Dad and Mom's bible study group had been lead to pray for Anthony last night and today and then they called to see how the day went. Anyway, then I went over to Tracy's and asked if I could use her truck and said I would understand if she said no. But she said yes without hesitation and said it's just a truck! I was amazed and as we talked, she said we could go into Choma together. (She's without her hubby like I am only for more days than me) She thought it would be good to get out of Macha for a bit. So, I went and made provisions for the kids incase we didn't make it back by 13 hours when school is out and then we headed into Choma.
I dropped Anthony's bag off for it to be picked up and taken to him (and he now has it) and then Tracy wondered if we had time to go for lunch together. I said that sounded really good and that I realized now being in Choma that I hadn't been out of Macha for over 2 months and no wonder I was starting to go a bit stir crazy! So we checked with Sue at the school and she said she'd look after my kids and then we went and had a lovely lunch, did a little bit of shopping and headed home! What a lovely morning! We talked non stop there and back and it was just so good to be with a friend and get out of Macha and have a break from mom stuff and yeah.....it was just a good morning. She thanked me after we got home for getting her out of the house and I thanked her for being so willling to give of her time to help me/Anth out. I'm going to miss them when they move April 15th. :-(
Then I went and picked up my kiddies who were fine, went and talked to their teachers and heard good reports about them both. Then we came home and the kids ate a really late lunch and then I felt like treating them for the good reports from school so we made popcorn and watched a movie! While we were watching my parents called and we chatted and while I was on the phone with them I got a text from Anthony saying, "Went great! Praise God, keep praying!" How exciting! I shared it with my parents and neither of us could speak for a bit because we were just awed at the way God works when the situation seems impossible or terrible! :-) (At least in my eyes it did :-)
What a great day! God's just once again proved His goodness and faithfulness and I'm so thankful! My faith is being stretched and it's good!
Thanks so much for your prayers! They are so necessary and so needed!
Then I went and picked up my kiddies who were fine, went and talked to their teachers and heard good reports about them both. Then we came home and the kids ate a really late lunch and then I felt like treating them for the good reports from school so we made popcorn and watched a movie! While we were watching my parents called and we chatted and while I was on the phone with them I got a text from Anthony saying, "Went great! Praise God, keep praying!" How exciting! I shared it with my parents and neither of us could speak for a bit because we were just awed at the way God works when the situation seems impossible or terrible! :-) (At least in my eyes it did :-)
What a great day! God's just once again proved His goodness and faithfulness and I'm so thankful! My faith is being stretched and it's good!
Thanks so much for your prayers! They are so necessary and so needed!
How wonderful to continue to feel and experience prayers answered and God's faithfulness. I am praising God for His goodness to you! Love ya!