Friday, March 4, 2011

It is Friday!! Well I am not sure that is exciting as that seems at first thought. Not much changes around here. At least I don't have any appointments this weekend, so it means lots of time to spend with the kids and Karlene.
Yesterday we had a Bible study with two of our new friends, they live in the house across from us. Youngsters, both around 25, just beginning their careers. We had a very good time chatting, and it has been amazing to us how easily we have all opened up to each other. It was agreed that we all appreciated that about each other, openess and honesty about how we are doing spiritually, as well as other struggles.
One thing we discussed is our term which is coming to an end by July 28th. We have been asked to consider extending our term and this is very difficult for us, or at least I feel that way. We have already been accepted by another mission organization, since last October. So we are praying, and ask that you pray as well. We need God to guide us in this - I have people almost weekly asking if we will stay longer, as they also realize our time is coming to an end soon.
Feels like we must be making a positive impact if that is what the local people are saying. Praise the Lord, it is all him, and he moves through me in my weakness.

1 comment:

  1. Thinking about a term ending is always hard since is there something new on the horizon? Will you continue on? Will definitely be praying for you that you will sense God's call for your family.
