Sunday, May 12, 2013

The Thiessen Talk’O - Spring Report

Level 1 & 2 - Survived & Completed...And Level 3 Has Begun!

As we reflect on these past 4 months, the song “I Will Survive” comes to mind. However, we want to take the liberty to change the lyrics to fit our situation. Hopefully, you can see the humor & reality mixed together!

At first, I was afraid, I was petrified
Kept thinking, I could never learn this thing called Español
But then I spent so many nights studying, the questions I got wrong
And I grew strong and I learned how to conjugate a noun (wait? isn’t that a verb?)
I will survive, Oh as long as I know how to use the proper tense, I know I’ll stay alive
I’ve got all my life to learn 
(someone told me it takes 7 years to become a proficient speaker of another language...sigh)
I’ve got all my brain to give (but I don’t know how much that is:)
And I’ll survive, I will survive.

Sometimes, laughing & seeing the humor in things helps to keep you sane...especially when you’re trying to learn another language! In all seriousness, language school is hard & we are being stretched to the max while trying to wrap our heads around all that we need to know & learn. Truly, the only way that we are managing, is by the grace of God. Language school runs from Monday to Friday - 9am to 12:30 pm & each day finds us with 3 - 5 hrs of homework. It’s challenging to balance learning & studying with the daily demands of family life. That’s why we appreciate your prayers during this season! We have just finished Level 2 which means we are half way through Language School!

In Other News... 

Thankfully, life hasn’t been just about school. Here’s a timeline to catch you up on other things that have happened since our last newsletter:


15th: First day of Spanish classes
19th: Josiah & Keyana attend Oansa (Awana) for the first time
22nd: Keyana’s first ballet class
23rd: Started meeting weekly with Ralph & Ellen Shepard - fellow TEAM missionaries & mentors
25th: Enjoyed supper with Leroy & Faith Siemens & their family. It has been great to connect & spend time together! 


4-5th: Dia de la Constitución Holiday - no school, enjoyed a visit to the children’s museum as a family.
6th: The kids first day of playing organized basketball in the park near our home. 
12th: The kids ‘play’ cops and robbers (see story below)
16th: Enjoyed having Leroy & Faith & family over for lunch, an afternoon at the park & a visit to our local ice cream shop. 
21st: Last day of class for Level 1
22nd-25th: Finished Level 1 finals
23rd: Enjoyed the evening at Leroy & Faith’s with the EMC Prayer Team - a wonderful evening of worship & blessing as we sang together, were encouraged through the Word & surrounded by the Team as they prayed for us.
24th: Had the opportunity to join the EMC Prayer Team & the EMC missionaries at their church plant on Sunday morning for a wonderful time of worship. 
27th: Visited schools, looking at options for our children.
28th: Traveled 1hr out of the city with Shepard’s to enjoy the afternoon at Lake Chapala. The sun was hot but the pool was “mucho frio!” Still we braved it, desperate for a swim. Lunch, overlooking the lake was lovely & it was neat to have peacocks walking amongst the tables in the open air restaurant.  


1st-2nd: We were challenged as we attended the online Verge conference at Leroy & Faith’s. Enjoyed the sessions & discussion with the EMC missionaries.
3rd: Excited to attend Keyana’s first ballet recital! She did a wonderful job!
6th: Spent the day at the zoo/aquarium. What a great place to explore together as a family! The kids were so excited that it was finally open. We had tried 2x’s before & each time it was closed.
In the evening we met with a man who explained more about what the new Mexican immigration law means for us. (see below)
7th: Josiah & Keyana’s first day of school at Colegio Jose Vasconcelos
8th: Because of the kindness of fellow TEAM missionaries, we
enjoyed a date & the kids had a fun time with the Rios’s.
11th: 1st day of classes - Level 2.
13th: Anthony led class devotions in Spanish for his first time. He also met with a man from church to practice conversation for 1 hr.
15th: Took Keyana to the Dr. Praising God that her infection has cleared! 
19th: Karlene shared class devotions in Spanish for her first time.
22nd: Karlene attended her 1st worship practice at church just to listen to & try to learn Spanish songs.
23rd: Spring Festival for our children’s school & it was an amazing cultural experience! Keyana danced & sang a duet & Josiah also danced & was crowned king for the Gr. 2 class.
24th: Met a wonderful lady & her 3 daughters at church. She doesn’t speak English but her daughter, who is in University, does. When we mentioned our kids being lonely & wishing for friends, she said we should get together as she has 2 girls who are 5&7. So we planned a play date in the park the very next day.
25th: Our play date was wonderful! Our kids had a great time, we were able to practice our Spanish, & we feel like we made some Mexican friends, something we have been hoping & praying for! God is good. Just when loneliness was threatening to overwhelm, He stepped in & blessed us through this wonderful family! We hope to spend more time with them.
27th-28th: J&K were SO excited to skype their classmates & teachers back in Canada!
29th-5th: Spent Easter in Puerta Vallarta with Mom & Dad Thiessen & the Bueckerts. It was a great, relaxing break both physically & mentally! Our kids spent most of the week in the pool, they both made friends & Josiah was especially excited to meet another boy who “spoke English & looked just like him!” :) J&K were also thrilled to receive cards & letters from their classmates in Canada & Easter treats from Papa & Nana Foster. :)


12th: Met the Terpstras, our Timothy Network Mentors via Skype. Blessed to know of another way we are supported. Also enjoyed a BBQ with Leroy & Faith, their kids & Caleb & Stacey who were visiting from La Crete! So great to see people from our home town! Made it feel a bit closer!
14th: Went to a Mexican Rodeo, very different from what we are used to but another great cultural experience! 
16th: Blessed when a stranger offered to show Anthony the way to pay a bill at the electric office. She didn’t even need to go there but she still jumped in her car & Anthony followed her to the office. In a city where people tend to keep to themselves & their houses, this was a welcomed kindness.
18th: Found out that a girl in J&K’s class is our neighbour. The kids went to play for an hour and loved it! This same day, we had a friend & her daughter over for supper. Karlene has been getting to know this lady during ballet classes since her daughter & Keyana are in the same class. She has been helpful with homework questions & getting Karlene to practice speaking Spanish & Keyana & her daughter are becoming good friends. We had a wonderful conversation in Spanish/English & the kids enjoyed playing together. The language barrier doesn’t stop kids from having fun! 
20th: We attended a soccer game! Another great cultural experience!
23rd: Last day of classes for Level 2! Exams for 3 days to follow…
24th: Went out for lunch with our fellow classmates & our teachers to celebrate the end of level 2!
27th: Our friend Carlos came to help us with our Spanish. We hope this will become a weekly time of speaking practice b/c we both need help in this area! Especially Karlene who is struggling to string words together into sentences for fear of saying the wrong things & is therefore hesitant to speak.
We also went on another date this evening as we have found a great babysitter who lives 3 houses from us. 
29th: Karlene got to join J & K on a school field trip to Peter Piper Pizza (similar to Chuck E. Cheese’s) to celebrate "El Día Del Niño." There was 100+ staff/students & 2 coach buses were needed to get there. They had a fun time eating, playing games, collecting tickets & picking prizes! A great memory made with our kids! 
30th: J&K enjoyed PJ day at school. Fun was had, games where played & of course there was candy b/c no fiesta would be complete without it!

Cops & Robbers...

We've probably all played this game as kids but a few months ago Josiah & Keyana got to experience it in real life.  When arriving home from language school one afternoon, we were surprised that there was no one at the door to greet us. As we entered the house & said, “hello”, we heard the pitter patter of feet bounding down the stairs. We were engulfed in hugs & Josiah & Keyana began to recount their morning adventure.  They had all been downstairs when they noticed a man outside who was intently peering into house windows & doing strange things like kicking car tires. When our house became a target, Areli & the kids closed the blinds & double checked to make sure the door was locked. However, when the man began to throw some rocks at our toyota, Josiah took it upon himself to go out into our gated yard & politely ask the man to “please stop throwing rocks at our vehicle.” The man raised his fists & Josiah thought he should quickly retreat into the house instead of face a man who had just donned a boxing pose. As the kids & Areli watched from the window, the man disappeared & they thought their morning adventure was over. However, it wasn’t long before some police cars pulled onto our street & a knock sounded on our door.  Areli tentatively opened it to find a police officer standing on our step. He proceeded to ask if they had seen a man wandering through the neighbourhood.  Areli told them what they had witnessed & when asked what direction she thought he had gone, she pointed down a side street.  Just at that moment, however, Josiah and Keyana (who were huddled around Areli) saw a set of eyes peeking over the cement wall of our next door neighbour’s yard. They pointed in the man’s direction & started yelling “there he is….there’s the thief.” The police officers flew into action & apprehended the man. Areli, Josiah & Keyana watched until the police had taken him away & then they all headed upstairs because they felt it was a safer place to be because in Josiah’s words, “it would be harder for a bad guy to get them there.” The kids were thrilled that they had helped the police catch ‘a bad guy’ and we, their parents, are thankful that God protected them in the process. This incident reminds us to be careful living in a city of 5+million but even more than that, it speaks to God’s power & protection & the importance of prayer! We are forever grateful to you for praying for us on a regular basis. You play a vital part in God’s work here in Mexico & we thank you for your faithfulness.

Visa Troubles????
In November 2012, The Mexican Government changed the immigration process. Since new laws take time to come into affect, we have just recently learned that it is no longer possible to turn a tourist visa into a religious workers visa while in Mexico. We've been told that we need to return to Canada and apply at a Mexican Consulate for our new visa. Our vehicle has to be under this visa so we have to drive it out as well. This news is unexpected and we now have some important decisions to make. Please pray for wisdom and God's perfect timing so that language school is not disrupted. We plan to return between Levels 3 and 4......We'll keep you posted.

And In Closing...

Here’s a picture to prove that we do study from time to time ;) In all seriousness, we thank God for the wonderful experiences He has brought our way. However, these past 4 months have been hard. Change & transition has affected all of us...culture shock, loneliness, homesickness, frustrations in language learning, balancing the pressures of daily living & responsibilities of raising children with assignments, studying & the need to get out & practice Spanish. Tears have been cried over the difficulty of proper pronunciation, the realization that grade 1&2 in Canada is a thing of the past, the heartache over missing family & friends, the wondering over whether new friends will ever be made & if the old ones will all be lost. The struggle between desiring to learn to communicate in Spanish & feeling foolish when trying to do so, is ever constant. There are days when bad attitude raises its ugly head, the spirit of discouragement strikes & the thorn of complaint presses in. However, we continue to lay hold of the promise that we can do all things through Him, The Almighty One, who gives us strength! We are reminded daily that His strength is made perfect in our weakness & we can’t do this on our own. Charles Stanley says it well, 

"God allows us to face difficulties so that our faith will be stretched & refined. The trials we face provide an excellent opportunity for us to declare our dependence on God & not on ourselves. The way we win the battle with discouragement is by humbling ourselves before God & telling Him that we need Him. There is only one way to do this, & it is through prayer."

So here’s to declaring dependence on God, for in doing so lies the power to live! Thank you for      your faithful prayers & support.                                              
Until our next Talk’O together - Adios & God Bless!       
                                                                               The Thiessens :)

Pray for continued spiritual growth as God uses this time of language school to refine our faith & build our trust in Him.
Pray that we will have the energy needed to learn Spanish, & the opportunities & boldness to practice speaking it!
Pray that Josiah & Keyana can make some friends. they are finding it a bit lonely & are missing home.
Pray for opportunities to witness to those in our community & for safety as we live in a very big city - 5+ million.
Pray that attending school will help Josiah & Keyana, socially & linguistically & that they will continue to enjoy it. 
We praise God For His help in completing Levels 1 & 2!!!!
We praise God For our home which is in a great location, close to our school & the kid's school!
We praise God for continued health & safety. 
We praise God for the friends we & the kids are making, even though it’s been a bit of a slow process.
If you would like to partner with us financially - 
Call TEAM Canada: 1-800-295-4160
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