Monday, April 8, 2013

Back to School

Today was the first day back to school for both the kids and us. The week before this last we had the kids with us at our school for 4 days, which was an adjustment for us all. Trying to help them with school work while we were in class ourselves, was a challenge, so we are so thankful for the Colegio Jose that Keyana and Josiah are attending. That said, today when they needed to get up, they were not excited. As parents, you hope your children will be eager to get back to school, and if they constantly dread it, the antennaes go up. So I was very relieved when they announced when I picked them up that it was a good day at school.
"What was good?" I asked.
Keyana responded, "We only did 2 pages of work!"
Josiah, "We got to play starwars lego!"
Typical kid responses! Well, that is OK, I guess. They were singing a song in Spanish as we walked home that talked about greeting your friends. That was encouraging, and I was reminded of some CD's I bought with songs in Spanish by Sara Jordan that are specifically written to help children learn Spanish.
Karlene and I had a good time visiting with the others at our school, catching up what everyone did during their Easter 1 week break. We met family, my parents, sister and her family in Puerta Vallarta, a 4.5 hour drive from Guadalajara. It was a crazy drive in parts, traffic lined up on narrow twisting roads moving as slow as 20 km/h for 30 minutes on each end of the drive. But the visit was worth it, as well as the time relaxing, refreshing and renewing. We didn't practice Spanish as much as I thought we would, but it was still very worthwhile. We did enjoy a Easter service with a translater, a rare treat as usually we try to understand as much as we can in Spanish only. That can be very tiring mentally.
Now back in Guadalajara, we had a good visit with our next door neighbour who helped us avoid embarassment. We did not know that there was a time change as seasons change. We are moving into longer daylight, as well as the hot season of April and May. Then the rains start and it is hot and humid. So we made it to church on time.
Almost everyday we are reminded we are in a struggle, not of flesh and blood, but a spiritual battle. Eph. 6:10-20. Whether we are struggling with health issues that won't go away, personality conflicts that seem to get blown out of proportion, discouraging thoughts amidst difficulty learning, or things not working properly, the enemy is active and trying to discourage. Our encouragement continues to come from the Lord, His word, and the prayers of the saints behind us. Thanks for your part in helping us continue strong!

2 Corinthians 4:16-18  So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison,  as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Karlene and Anthony! I'm so glad your vacation was worth the trouble and the traffic, and that you have good neighbors to help you with time changes, and that you're all learning Spanish! Poco a poquito as they say. I hope you're not discouraged but encouraged that every day there's something NEW! People respond to your heart full of Jesus more readily than anything else. Love to you all and we're looking forward to having you here! Susie Gonzalez
