I'm presently take a second language acquisition course and my brain is feeling stretched and overloaded. It's reminding me of those weeks in College when I had to pull all-nighters to get assignments and studying done.
Today in my reading I came across this quote that I don't want to forget as we head back out on missions! It's so important and so vital! Didn't someone once say, "attitude is everything"?
As we look forward to serving God in Mexico, my prayer is that we will serve with a Christ-like attitude! Maybe this can be your prayer for us too!
“Your attitude should be same as that of the most excellent missionary who has taken on the mind of Christ. This excellent missionary knew she was completely ethnic and fully competent and a leader in her own culture, but did not consider her own ethnic values, her expertise at home, or even her own language something to cling to.
On the contrary, she counted her cultural ways as mostly inappropriate in the new context, choosing to add a new cultural side to her personality and working hard to think, act, and talk more and more like the people she came to serve.
And having successfully acculturated herself among the people, she humbled herself before God and the people, and became a servant no matter what the cost...even unto death, but mostly unto inconvenience. As a result, although she did not seek praise, she was praised by the people, to the glory of God the Father.”
May we all aspire to be that excellent missionary whose attitudes reflect the best that God has for all of us and for our work of cross-cultural mission." - Gary Holden (a language learning application of Paul’s compelling picture of the incarnated servant in Philippians 2)
That was the theme in my devotional this morning!