Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Packing and Sorting......

Okay, so I’m suppose to be sorting and packing and instead here I am writing a blog. Procrastinating?……….hmmmmmm……..ya...probably……:) Anyways, just wanted to give you a short update. May is going to be a crazy month! The sorting and packing is taking longer than I expected because it’s not just ‘easy throw in the box’ kind of packing. I’m having to ‘sort to throw away’, ‘sell’, ‘pack and never take to Mexico’, ‘pack to take to Mexico later’ and ‘pack to take to Mexico now’. Not to mention ‘pack to live out of’ for the next couple of months! We have to move out of our house June 1st and are also hoping to have a garage/yard sale on May 24th and 25th to raise money for our move to Mexico. Some people have expressed interest in donating items to our sale and this is something we will gladly welcome and appreciate. 
We are grateful for a friend who has offered for us to move in with her the end of this month. We will share her home for the month of June and will continue to enjoy her place when she leaves to visit friends and family for July and August. Her offer of a place to stay has been a huge blessing.
We continue to trust God to bring in support so that we can attend our phase 4 orientation the end of July and then Spanish school in Guadalajara starting August 20th. Presently we are at 30% of what we need per month.
Well, that’s a little snippet of our lives right now. I need to sign off and get sorting and packing. We appreciate your continued support and prayers…..especially as we face a very stressful month! Thanks so much and until the boxes are packed and I can carve out some more time to write…….as they would say in Zambia…..”stay well” and be blessed!

1 comment:

  1. We have changed the auction to a moving garage sale on May 24th and 25th. If you would like to check it out, follow the signs from Integra Tire towards Lakeside Estates!!
