Sunday, May 29, 2011

Frustrated Inc.

FRUSTRATED was the word to describe how I was feeling yesterday! I think it was my most frustrating day since arriving here in September, 2010.

It’s not going to do any good to go into details, don’t want to offend anyone and in the end it doesn’t matter. But this cross-cultural living does lend itself to moments when you want to pull your hair out! And how do you respond in those moments? I know how I might like to re-act but just because I’d like to, doesn’t make it right. In fact, many times my response is nothing like how it should be, like how Jesus would respond. In times of frustration, I think it’s good to ask yourself, “What Would Jesus Do?” Yesterday, it was only by the grace of God and the Holy Spirit’s power that I managed to stay calm and still do the job that was required of me. My heart’s prayer was that God would set me in the right frame of mind, that he would take away my anger and even in the midst of the frustration, that he would enable me to still be a blessing to others. He answered and I was amazed.

We all face times in our lives when we’d love to follow Phyllis Diller’s advice. She says, “my recipe for dealing with anger and frustration [is to] set the kitchen timer for twenty minutes, cry, rant and rave and at the sound of the bell, simmer down and go about business as usual.” Okay, there’s some humor there, but we’ve all had moments when this is what we’ve done or at least wished we could!

And yet, “no matter how discouraged we get, God has not asked us to do the impossible.” (George Grace) That’s His department. “With God all things are possible.” (Matt. 19:26) Yes, even getting through those times of sheer frustration! That’s what I encountered yesterday and although it was difficult, it was a learning experience and dare I even say, a good one?

In moments of frustration, “consider how hard it is to change yourself and you’ll understand what little chance you have in trying to change others.” (unknown) My first response to this quote was, that sounds rather hopeless. My second was, but it’s the truth, isn’t it? Trying anything in your own strength will only lead to failure. My third response was, relief. It’s not my responsibility to change myself or others, that’s God’s job! And He’s already at work, molding us and shaping us and making us to be more like Him.

Would I like Him to use a different potter’s tool then the scraper of frustration? Sure, but it’s been said that, “frustration is the compost from which the mushrooms of creativity grow.” (Turmerica)

So my lump of clay still needs a lot of work but my mushroom crop is in full bloom! There’s gotta be some good that’s gonna come out of that!

Mushrooms anyone? ~ Karlene

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