Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Lightning Strikes

Yesterday was a crazy storm. I had just finished playing soccer with the local team when a storm started; hail, wind, rain, hammered the surroundings. Water was pushed under both the front and back doors. Lightning was flashing, thunder claps vibrating the house. Josiah and Keyana were crying and we were not enjoying the lack of electricity and the dark storm. I was also concerned as we have a young man staying with us who had went for a walk into the bush and he had not returned yet. We finally decided to make some supper, so were at the sink getting a few things together, when there was a bright light flash outside the window and I felt electricity flash through my arm and chest. I yelled in surprise and fear, Josiah started crying and Karlene looked at me like I was strange. I asked her if she hadn't felt that. She said all she had seen was a flash of light. I told her what I had felt, Josiah immediately said he had also felt something like that. He had been touching me at the time. Karlene was very surprised since she had been inches from me. We sat down, tried to calm the kids down and prayed for safety. The storm continued for an hour of constant lightning and heavy rain. It was an unnerving and strange experience, and we are glad that we are all fine.


  1. Praying for your safety today! Praise God He kept you safe! Thank you Karlene for all the updates via facebook and all the "funnies" you post about your kids. Makes our world seem just a bit smaller :)
    Blessings on your day Thiessen family!
    In Christ, Lori Bergen

  2. That is wild and scary, Anth! Thanks be to Abba God that you are all safe!
    Lots of love,
