Friday, December 20, 2013

That was quick!

We had just shared that we wanted to use our house to reach out to others in any way the Lord led.
One concern we had with the house was a lack of security; it needed burglar bars in some windows. We asked that landlord to take care of the contracting, and we would pay the bill if they took it off the rent. We gave a deadline, and they came the night before the deadline.
The bars were welded and painted, and fit perfectly. They didn't want to install them as they had come at 7 pm, but we assured them we needed them now as we were leaving the next day for a few days. So they agreed to install them securely, drilling and welding. As they went back and forth, I heard one fellow mention to Karlene that supper smelled good. I was throwing some leftovers together into a casserole type dish.
I asked Josiah and Keyana if we should invite them to stay for supper. Josiah very quickly responded with enthusiasm that we should. I had been only half serious, but when he continued to urge that we invite them, I went up and asked them if they would "cenar con nosotros", that is supper with us. They were surprised, but the elder of the 2 men agreed.
When we were seated, I prayed in Spanish as best as I could, then we started to eat. The gentleman, I will call him John, asked if we were Christians. I said yes, and he said they could tell by how we prayed. We started to visit, and found out that his son Ross and he were saved as well. They had not been attending church lately because of a difficult situation that he didn't want to talk about. They also found it difficult as their extended family didn't appreciate their faith.
We talked a fair bit during the meal, and found out that they know some of our fellow missionaries! He opened up a little bit more during the meal, and when the son went back upstairs to continue work, he shared about losing a son. It was amazing how quickly they warmed up to us. In the end, I invited them to come to El Faro the following Sunday for a special service to celebrate Christmas. We pray that they will come, and be blessed to fellowship with other believers once again. Pray with us, and we will let you know more soon!

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