Thursday, June 6, 2013

Visa Prayers!

Paperwork has never been my forté. I enjoyed teaching and playing much more than prep and marking. So it is with fear and trepidation we set out to apply for a temporary visa. We have already made one mistake, which we are praying won't make us late in returning to Mexico for level 4 spanish. We ask that you would join us in praying that we would be able to get all of our ducks in a row so that we can have a successful interview in Calgary between June 17th to July 1st.
Having said that, we are hopeful since a lady in the Mexican consulate seems to be wanting to help us, and mentioned a 2 week wait. That would be doable for us, though we may have a very sad ballerina in our house if we can't make it back to Mexico in time for a performance. So we hope to see many of you back home soon, and hope to be able to return to Mexico soon there after! Thanks for your prayers.

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