Monday, September 17, 2012

Moving Forward as God Leads

As I type, we are traveling to share at a church in Manning. This will be the 14th church that we will share at and at each one, we have been warmly welcomed and received. What a blessing it has been to fellowship with the wider Body of Christ! 

We continue to be encouraged through the many people who are walking alongside us in this journey. We praise God for our advocacy/care team, those who are financially supporting us and everyone who is standing with us through encouragement and steadfast prayer. 

God continues to prove Himself faithful and his provision never ceases to amaze us. We have a place to live, Anthony has a full time teaching position for the month of September, Josiah and Keyana love their teachers and are enjoying school, we have learned where we will be ministering after language school and each passing day brings us closer to leaving for Mexico as God raises up partners who are joining us in His work!

Our desire is to serve in Mexico and our excitement to get there is building! We are amazed to be at 74% (89% unconfirmed) of our financial monthly support needs. We feel close to being able to leave for Mexico, but are waiting for God’s timing. We would ask that you pray for us in this, that the finances would come in and that the paperwork would be completed as needed. 

Many have asked us when we are going, and why we have not left already. Perhaps we should never have shared our hope to leave in August, then October; in our desire to join God with TEAM Mexico, we have set our own timeline on occasion. God will enable us to leave for Mexico according to His will. 

Please Pray…

Please pray for peace, that even as we stay longer or leave soon, we will accept God's will for us. We are trusting and learning every day as we wait on Him.

Please pray that we will be able to get our paperwork in order before we leave. We need 5 different documents translated and certified into Spanish. We have been advised that this should be done as soon as possible and before we leave Canada.  

Pray for La Paz, the city of our ministry area and the TEAM Missionaries already there. As they share the Word of God, pray that people will turn to Him, that the Holy Spirit will convict and draw hearts into relationship with Jesus Christ and that He will prepare the way for us to join in His work in La Paz!

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