Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Urgent Prayer Request - September 2018

The Thiessen Talk'O 

                              Sharing The Love of God in La Paz, BCS, Mexico

       Missionaries To Mexico, Serving With TEAM & Associate Missionaries with EMC
An Urgent Prayer Request

Our summer letter is still in process but there is an urgent, prayer request that we need to share with you. As you know, we are presently in Canada on Home Assignment and are excitedly waiting to get the green light clearance to head back to Mexico. Our teammates are doing an amazing job of carrying on the ministry and we are grateful for their commitment, faithfulness and hard work! This past week, upon arrival at the court, they received some difficult news that has all of us wondering what the future holds for our Transformados ministry. In the words of our teammate, Pattie, here is what has transpired so far:

"Last night when we came to practice at the middle school where we hold all of our basketball clubs and camps, the director pulled Phil into his office to speak with him. Apparently, his boss had informed him that he was concerned about liability issues and so he didn't want us to use the court any more. He gave us through Saturday (today) to use it. The director is supportive of what we are doing and suggested we go to the administrative offices and speak with them to see if we can work something out."

For 3 years, we have been blessed to be able to use the court at this public middle school, free of charge. We have a good relationship with the Directors of the school, who have even given us keys for the gate and permission to use not only the court, but the common area on Saturday nights and even during our summer camps. We realized early on what a blessing this was when a local Pastor exclaimed, "How did you manage to get into a Public School? It's unheard of, it never happens." We are grateful for God's favour and making it possible for us to have access to this school from the time Transformados started until now! God's hand has been in this from the beginning and we know that He will continue to provide.

At this moment, we are not sure what that provision will look like, so we ask you to join with us in prayer for the future of this ministry! Especially in light of the outcome of the meeting with the Director's Boss. This meeting took place on Friday and afterwards our teammates shared the following:

"We wish we had better news for you. Unfortunately, the administrator that Phil met with appeared to have already made up his mind. Phil was told to submit a letter with an official request. However, Phil and the missionary who accompanied him both got the sense that it will likely get buried in piles of paperwork on the desk. We will proceed with the letter and are planning to ask the parents, kids and youth to write letters as well to accompany ours."

This was not the news we were hoping to receive but we continue to pray and trust. Several of the Transformados youth are joining us in praying for this situation and we find this super encouraging and exciting because we know God will use this opportunity to show His power and grow their faith!

We know that while this caught us by surprise, it did not catch Him by surprise so we wait expectantly to see what He will do. As of now, today is our last day to use the basketball court and have access to the school. Parents and members of the community have come forward to show their support and along with our youth, are talking of writing letters and creating a petition in favour of Transformados. Our teammates have been advised to meet with a different, higher level education official to discuss this issue and yesterday afternoon, a community member told Phil that this official is a close family friend. She stated that she is going to put in a good word for Transformados with him in hopes that He will grant us permission and continued access to the school.

This is an unexpected turn of events but we echo the thoughts and words of our teammates when they say:

"One of our dreams for Transformados is that we would eventually have a piece of land we could develop with a court and larger community center for outreach. This situation has made this need seem even more urgent. We have loved partnering with the school but would also love to have a court without restricted access. Perhaps this is the Lord's way of nudging us towards that even more quickly...[With this in mind we've decided as a team to] begin more proactively raising funds towards purchasing land to build our own court and community center. If you feel led to give towards this need, Transformados has an account at TEAM for receiving donations. This is a link for making donations directly to Transformados:

Some great news is that our clubs have been growing to the point that we had been discussing needing to split the groups, to work more effectively with each one. We've recently had 29, 28 and 26 at different practices. The growth and need for more groups is a great problem to have."

Physical growth is exciting but it's even more exciting to witness spiritual growth! This past year we've been praying that God would increase the spiritual interest of our youth and it's happening! 4 young men have given their lives to Christ this year and a 5th one made his decision this summer. We have struggled with discouragement over this most recent development with the school, but God is transforming lives through Transformados and we know He has something better in mind for the ministry.

For the time being, please pray that we will be able to find another court within walking distance that has adequate lighting, equipment and availability. This is important since the majority of the youth, who participate, live in our neighbourhood.

Please pray that the letters and petition will demonstrate the community's support of Transformados and that the good word a community member is willing to put in with the higher ranking official will be enough to change the minds of the powers-that-be to grant us continued access to the school.

And if God chooses to use this situation as a springboard toward the purchase of property, then pray that He will bring in the funds necessary to buy and build our own court and community centre.

Thank you for standing with us in prayer! We invite you to look forward with us, in anticipation of all God is going to do!

With Grateful Hearts,
Anthony, Karlene, Josiah and Keyana

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